Communications Director, Nancy Richards

Nancy Richards

Nancy Richards, single, from Ohio, moving to Vero Beach in 1972. With a career in real estate spanning 40 years from 1984 to present (2024) with a Realtor and GRI (Graduate of the Real Estate Institute) designation in Indian River County. I managed Tarpon Island Club Condominium early in my career and then Miracle Mile Plaza later in 2000-20005.

Prior to real estate, was a legal secretary for five years, taking paralegal courses from Indian River Community College. Member of the Garden Club of Indian River County for 12 years and a Master Gardener with University of Florida Master Gardener program for 8 years and volunteer giving back to the community with desk service once per week for about eight years.

Currently serving as Communications Director for The Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast, along with chair for our annual Scottish Tea Event-- three and two years respectively, 2021, 2023-24. Finding my heritage includes direct great grandparents and grandparents from Scotland and bordering cities in England was a joy and exploring my roots further is ongoing with the newly formed genealogy group with this Scottish Society.

Along with serving my condo board as an officer for 23 years, I planted and still care for about one acre of flowering gardens and oversee the grounds at my condo. A walker and I do qigong for exercise.
